Breaking Tommie Scott Film Project
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

My book "The
Tommie Scott Story" has been converted into a screenplay by myself and
scriptwriter John W. Kennedy (who also reports/comments on "Faith, Media
& Culture" for Beliefnet and is the author of many narrative book
adaptations for Cartoon Network Enterprises).
Currently the script is being considered by various producers & actors.
This petition is a grassroots effort to show there are many people
interested in seeing "Breaking Tommie Scott" made into a feature
film. What I'm asking you to do is to show your support by signing this petition.
By doing so, you will b expressing your sincere intention to go out and see the film once it's
produced and to bring at least one other person with you.
So please show your support by signing this petition.
Thanks, and God bless you.
Please view my 23 min documentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfjCkb9JCkI
Please View My 700 Club Documentary Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SY9KXEUR-c
See his book here:
ENDORSEMENTS for “The Tommie Scott Story”
“The Tommie Scott Story needs to be read by kids who are at risk to gangs as well as those already caught up in destructive lifestyles. Every juvenile and adult correctional facility should have this book to give hope that they too can have a future with purpose and meaning. I was casting director on the feature film The Cross and the Switchblade and over the years, tens of thousands have been saved out of gangs and drugs as a result of seeing this movie. I believe Tommie’s story has the same potential and is needed more than ever today with all the young lives being lost in our inner cities.”
—Pastor Kleg Seth
“When in His earthly ministry, as Jesus entered a village, those who encountered Him experienced change. The remarkable story of Tommie Scott testifies to the fact that Jesus is still transforming lives, for Tommie is a trophy of grace! I highly recommend the reading of his life story; it will challenge you to be more faithful in leading others to Christ, for there is power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!”
—Dr. E. A. Johnston, evangelist and author
“Any and all who venture into these pages will be changed. This is a story of the redemption of a dark and dangerous soul who is brought to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Don’t let the darkness frighten you because there is a Great Light of Glory in the end. Tommie’s life-changing meeting with Christ will impact the world with much greater force that his deadly past ever could.”
—Fred Hodges, Christian talk radio host
“I know Tommie Scott, and he is the real thing. I am in awe of his boldness for the Lord and the level of spiritual insight he has. It is my prayer that this book gets into the hands and hearts of millions of boys and men.”
—Danny Daniels, president of 888 Prayer Force and Million Hour Men of Prayer
“I’ve been in prison ministry a long time and Tommie Scott is one of a handful of guys where I sit back and say, ‘Wow, look what God did!’ I’m excited about what God has done in Tommie’s life.”
—Tim Berends, evangelist and host of Jesus and Tim, Las Vegas