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Brazil Stop The Slaughter of Trans People

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1279 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Just released data by TGEU Trans Murder Monitor Project indicates globally one trans person is murdered every 21 hours, Brazil once again has the distinction of having the highest rates.

Brazil has just 2.8% of the world’s population, but 46.7% of the world’s trans murders to date.

Brazil’s murder rate of trans people is 16.4 times higher than the rest of the world.

If the world experienced Brazils trans murder rate, there’d be 1260 murders in those first 70 days worldwide and 6588 for the whole year, all due to transgender status.

If the current rate is sustained there will be 403 trans murders for the whole year of which, 188 would be Brazilians.

Please read our petition letter written in Portuguese and English...

Texto da petição pelo Grupo Transexual Portugal e Planet Transgender:

Nós, os indivíduos e as organizações abaixo assinadas pedimos ao governo do Brasil que tome medidas concretas para diminuir a intolerável taxa de homicídios da sua população transgénero.

O Brasil assinou a primeira resolução da ONU em 2011, que acrescentou as populações Trans e gay na Convenção de Direitos Humanos da ONU. No ano seguinte, no TDOR 2012, estivémos de luto por mais mais 325 assassinatos trans no Brasil.

Exortamos o governo a priorizar o plano traçado na carta de 2015 para
o Gabinete do Alto Comissário da ONU para os Direitos Humanos e assim diminuir a homofobia e transfobia que o nosso povo sofre e de que morre diariamente.

A nossa população está a recorrer, para sobrevivência, ao trabalho sexual, sem-teto, e sem educação, colocando-se num maior risco de pagar com as suas vidas a inação do Governo.
Isso precisa mudar, agora!

We the undersigned individuals and organizations call on the government of Brazil to take concrete measures to decrease the intolerable murder rate of her transgender peoples.

Brazil signed the first UN Resolution in 2011 adding Trans and gay people to the UN Human Rights Convention. During the following year at the 2012 TDOR, we mourned another 325 transgender murders in Brazil.

We call on the government to prioritize the plan outlined in the 2015 letter to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and decrease the social homophobia and transphobia our people suffer and die from daily

Since 2011, there have been 582 trans murders in Brazil.

Our people are resorting to survival sex work, homeless, and under educated, they putting themselves at the greatest risk and paying for the Government’s inaction with their lives.

This must change, now!

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