Ban Firearm Sales to Mentally Ill
Please sign below to help close a loophole in the Brady Bill. The Brady Bill was put in so that there was a review of potential firearms sales that would screen out dangerous criminals and mental ill patients. This loophole alowed for a man to purchase a gun two days after leaving an institution. This gun was used for the murder of a good friend of mine. The same loophole also helped The Virginia Tech killer recieve his gun. This petition is not to create a new law. A law even before the Brady Bill banned the sale of guns to the violent mentally ill, was the first federal gun control law ever passed in the United States , but never has been enforced properly. This petition is only to force the 27 states who dont currently report their violent mentally ill to report them to the database. Thank you for taking your time to read this .Please email this link to your friends and or post a myspace buletin about this If you would like to read more about this please check these links out or for my friend\'s story: read they got it right