Brad Gray for 3L Class President

Hello 3L Class!
I'm Brad Gray. After having the pleasure of serving as one of your Class Representatives for the past two years, I am here to ask for your vote to represent you as your Class President for our 3L year.
During our time in law school so far we have had to overcome adversity that no other law students have had to face before. For most of us, starting online created great challenges in feeling connected to our class and even our school. I want to make sure that for our last year we are able to finish with the year we deserve.
Having spent the last couple years in various leadership roles in different student organizations, I have built relationships with faculty and administration and know how to navigate things to be able to be a strong advocate for our class, and ensure that we are able to celebrate how far we have come.
It would be my honor if you would vote for me for 3L Class President.