LOUISIANA - Tell The School Boards we want them to voluntarily Opt our parishes OUT of PARCC and end Common Core
This IS NOT AN ACTUAL OPT OUT ... this is just sending a message to our local officials that we want THEM to cancel PARCC testing altogether.
PARCC was started as a way to measure children's college readiness across the nation. IT'S A FEDERAL PROGRAM. As usual, Louisiana policy makers are the last to get the educational messages. Most other states have already dropped out of PARCC because it is a useless over-testing and over-stressing of our children. The PARCC scores are not 'pass or fail' because scores won't even be available until after the school year ends. PARCC will take 3 weeks away from our children's instructional time in school ... further delaying our already 'last in line' Louisiana education system. In addition, the children's personal and score information will be GIVEN to a 3rd party databank, further jeopardizing their secure future in freedom of education. This plan could potentially damage college entrance opportunities. Please sign this petition AGAINST PARCC to show our local school board how we feel about giving ourchildren's education to the Fed's.
Common Core State Standards was started as another 'one size fits all' approach to education, again, a 'federal' program. Our children don't need fuzzy math and the curriculum designed for Common Core causes undue stress. Again, your children's private information will be given to 3rd parties to track them throughout their lives - of which companies will get this data appears to include the data mega-giant founder and funder of Common Core, Bill Gates. If Gates hasn't learned how to keep our computer information safe from hackers, how can we possibly believe he will keep our children's information safe. Please sign this petition AGAINST COMMON CORE!!!
It's time we demand that our elected leaders in charge of education in this state do their jobs and create an acceptable, nationally competitive program instead of hiding behind the feds who want to control our children's futures!!!!