BP Global
Be Heard 0

BP Global

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Just as its post-Katrina motto "Recover, Rebuild, Rebirth" was becoming real there are more restless nights for the citizens of New Orleans, worrying that another man-made disaster might devastate my beloved hometown and the entire Gulf Coast. It's been one month since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew up and oil is still leaking at an astonishing rate. Entire State economies might be crushed and whole ecosystems wiped out. The BP oil spill threatens the entire Gulf Coast in a way that could cause more economic and environmental peril than Hurricane Katrina.

Every hour this oil spill continues, hundreds of thousands of local businesses are being threatened with bankruptcy. The BP disaster has only one cause: human greed and the almost inevitable result, negligence. The immediate tragedy was that 11 people died, but the destruction that will result from BP's "crude river" will be long-term and the impact far from obvious. The "crude river" will spawn streams of suffering: economic, environmental and emotional.

Although I reference Hurricane Katrina above, I am not on the political bandwagon that this oil spill is President Obama's "Katrina." It's not even "Obama's oil spill," and by saying so we are ascribing culpability to Obama. President Obama didn't run the rigs, or oversee the plans, or grant the licenses to drill, or write the rules that govern the granting of those licenses. It's not President Obama's "fault" that everyone ignored regulations and safety considerations in a magical quest to make as much money as possible.

With that being said, I am proposing a boycott of BP gas stations. In BP's greed and negligence they have risked the lively hood of thousands of Americans. Let our voices be heard that we as a people will not tolerate such unethical behavior from not just BP, but from any companies that choose profit over moral principal.
Please sign this petition and forward it to everyone in your contact list as encouragement to boycott BP.

Thank you in advance for your support.


D. Johnson


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