Boycott Thanksgiving Day Shopping

Join me in sending a message to the retail giants who are forcing their employees to work on a National Holiday. BOYCOTT SHOPPING this Thanksgiving Day. Every penny spent encourages these retailers to open their stores, because all they know is money, and all they want is to make as much as possible....without regard to their employees feelings.
Walmart, Target, Sears, Toys R Us, and most likely several others will be opening their doors for customers on Thanksgiving Day this year. Employees have little choice in the matter. They either work or face some sort of disciplinary action. Up to and sometimes including dismissal. They have no voice and cannot fight this on their own. It's up to us as Americans who believe in the sanctity of our traditional holidays to stop this madness. If we keep the retailers from making a major profit, they will cease this type of behaviour.
Won't you stand beside me and say, "We're not taking it anymore! Let employees enjoy one of the few holidays left where they can spend time with family. Consumers will not suffer by waiing a few more hours to spend their money. You will still make Black Friday profits. Why must you desecrate a National Holiday?"
Do it for those who can't do it for themselves. Do it because you believe in family. Do it for the loved ones in your life who may one day suffer the consequences of this year's tragedy. Do it for all Americans everywhere. DON'T SHOP ON THANKSGIVING!!!!