Boycott Sundy Carter From VH1

My name is Melissa Velez, I've been a fan of the Basketball Wives series airing on the VH1 Network, for many years since the beginning. I started watching this season of Basketball Wives LA since the season started in February. I really enjoyed the show previous seasons so i thought i would enjoy this one. But something happened. And that something is, Sundy Carter and her mean, hurtful, vile and evil remarks to the other cast mates. Sundy Carter does not belong on this show. She has no story line, she has nothing interesting going on in her life, all she is doing is being a mean, evil, bully to the other girls. She does not know how to behave among other ladies. She does not deserve a chance on this show. She has been talking bad about people's kids, she's taking it too far. Those young children do not have anything to do with this show or the issues that Sundy is having with the cast mates and they should not have to endure a stranger making bad remarks about them on a nation wide TV show. I love this show and i hope there is another season, I will continue to watch it if only Draya, Malaysia & Brandi come back to the show. Sundy needs to go and there should be new cast mates. What really broke my heart was watching the finale of this season last night, where Sundy was making fun of Brandi's inability to have children because of a previous cancer that she had. After i saw that i knew i had to do something, so i decided to start this petition to Boycott Sundy Carter. I really hope VH1 takes this into consideration, i am not the only one who feels this way, many of us do. Please Take Sundy Carter off of Basketball Wives LA! Follow me on twitter @BoycottSundyCar and on my regular page @melymellz19