Ashley Escott 0


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8 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The decision was handed down today from Roger Goodell, NFL’s commissioner, that the New Orleans head coach Sean Payton will be suspended without pay for one year. This after a two year investigation has taken place to uncover a “Bounty Scandal” by the team. Involved is the General Manager Mickey Loomis, Head Coach Sean Payton, and Greg Williams the teams previous defensive coordinator. Still pending punishments are twenty-two of the twenty-seven of the team’s defensive squad. Being a “Die Hard” N O Saints fan, I really believe commissioner Goodell was being vindictive when such a harsh punishment was given to Sean Payton. He made the statement that he was “lied” to last year. Well I fell that the NFL fans have been lied to with his reasons for the harsh punishment. I personally will not stand for the mistreatment. We stud in limbo last year for the lock out to be over, and this year yet another scandal. I think that Mr. Goodell has the perception that he can treat the fans of NFL Nation any kind of way and that is so far from the truth. If we don’t stand now for our beliefs then year after year there will be someone one or some team that will caught in the raft of this football Maniac. I would like to ask the WHO DAT NATION stand with me and exercise of concerns about this irrational practice that our Gm, coach, players, and city are receiving. This is not only hurting the team and the owners, but this will also affect the city and its revenue. I propose that all refrain from watching and purchasing all NFL paraphernalia for the 2012-2013 seasons. This way Mr. Goodell will feel the pain of being off for a season. Please stand with me even if you are not a New Orleans fan. It’s the principle about the league as a whole. WHO DAT? GOODELL AINT THAT!


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