Boycott NCARB
During the Covid-19 Pandemic NCARB has proven itself to not care about its test takes. Every decision they made in 2020 was detrimental to future architects. In short notice they have released a new "online proctoring" exam with the addition of a "whiteboard" feature. This whiteboard means the removal of all scrap paper during testing even though they still have left test questions that require algebraic and arithmetic calculations.
Clearly the goal of NCARB is not to prepare architects for the health, welfare and safety of the public, their goal is to collect money from all the test takers. Obviously more fails = more profit.
The regulator needs regulation, and NCARB has a monopoly on the entire profession so if you’re not OK with NCARB’s behaviour. I request you to please Boy-Cott NCARB for 3 months. Keep studying, but write to the AIA telling how you feel, post your complaint in the NCARB forum and in every NCARB post on social media, don’t schedule a test for 3 months, don’t volunteer at their events, don’t participate at their events, tell architecture graduates, students and future students how NCARB really is.
We are not asking for an easy test. We are asking for a fair test.
This petition will not make NCARB change its mind; but we hope it will send a message. Please share