Boycott NBC

NBC and its cable content, especially MS-NBC, have been and continue to be unfair to George Zimmerman. Initially NBC edited content to make George Zimmer appear guilty and were caught red-handed. During the trial they were one-sided, favoring the prosecution. Showing no respect for our legal system, NBC and its cable content continue its unfair and prejudicial coverage, unfairly demonizing George Zimmerman, despite his acquittal. Therefore the American people should stop viewing NBC and its cable subsidiaries: • Comcast SportsNet • E! • Esquire Network • Golf Channel • International Television • MSNBC • mun2 • NBC Sports Network • Oxygen Media • Sprout • Style Media • Syfy • The Weather Channel Companies • Universal Cable Productions • Universal HD • USA Network Please consider doing the following: 1. Stop watching the above channels or 2. Program your TV remote or cable box to block these channels NBC’s advertising revenues are a function of its viewership. NBC needs to be taught a financial lesson.