Adeel Malik 0

Boycott Israeli FinTech Delegation - You Are Not Welcome!

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To Ms. Winkie Lui,

We the people of Hong Kong who are with the people of Palestine against the illegal occupation by the state of Israel condemn the Israeli FinTech Delegation visit to the city of Hong Kong.

We understand this is to be a business meeting whereby 9 Israeli companies' representatives will be looking to acquire ventures here in the city of Hong Kong to expand their consumer base. The companies taking part includeBiconix,Bondit,Checkmarx,InsFocus,Nayax,Netalizer, Radware,Slingshot and ThetaRay.

We the people of Hong Kong through FOPHK (Friends of Palestine in HK) strongly oppose for Hong Kong to be part of any business joint venture with the apartheid state of Israel. If the ventures are signed, then we will make sure the information spreads to the masses whereby the companies will be boycotted.

We ask Hong Kong to not be part of this oppression which the state of Israel is carrying out on the weak population of Palestine. Please think carefully what you are getting yourselves into. You will be held accountable.

Thank you.

From the Friends of Palestine in HK

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