BOYCOTT FLORIDA NOW: Justice for Trayvon Martin

The recent verdict of Not Guilty of George Zimmerman who murdered a young 17 year-old boy has caused a painful outrage to thousands of Americans. The "Stand Your Ground" Law in Florida must be abolished and or have restraints in place that does not allow a person to profile and pursue a victim, confront him and then shoot him in cold blood! We have a right to protect our children, and Trayvon Martin deserves justice! By signing this petition you will show the state of Florida that your voices will be heard! By signing this petition you agree with and will take a stance against the injustice of the Florida Legal system by "BOYCOTTING" the State of Florida. By signing this petition you are taking a stance and vowing not to purchase any goods made or produced in Florida, including orange juice from Florida.You agree to not vacation at resorts in Florida or take any trips in Florida in which the state may prosper from the hardworking dollars of American citizens. We demand justice, and that the laws be changed so that our families will be protected. Until such laws are changed and until justice prevails for Trayvon Martin - The state of Florida will be Boycotted!