Boycott Call of Duty MW3 DLC

This is a call of action to the Call of Duty Community to not purchase and download the DLC for Modern Warfare 3 . Join us and your fellow Call of Duty players and fans as we take a stand against Activision and Infinity Ward for their lack of support towards the community's needs and concerns.
We have been ignored repeatedly when asking for quality post release fixes to be implemented pertaining to:
Lag Compensation
The broken Spawn System
Please support your Call of Duty community inform the game developers that we have growing concerns to the lack of thought and quality going to the development of the games and the lack of testing them before their release. And the lack of post release support in resolving the issues that should not have existed in the game during the launch.
Our goal is to show Activision and Infinity Ward just how many people are unhappy with the level of concern they show towards their consumers. We are all big Call of Duty fans. We want to LOVE this game. But these issues plague the game it are driving many to play other titles.
Join us in Not Purchasing DLC in MW3 going forward until these issues are resolved to make the game playable!
Follow @MW3Blackout on Twitter!
View and Sub www.youtube.com/hc4melite to stay up to date!!!
Spread the word! We are only as strong as our community!!!