BOYCOTT A THIEF IT Works Independent Distributor
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

I'm starting this petition to boycott Kathy Louis from Covington, GA an independent distributor for IT Works Distribution companies. She has come to my mother's home, and stolen from us during our time of grief. Yes! She came and stole from us during our mother's funeral!
BOYCOTT www.iasodiva.net and www.DivaWraps718.com.
We have learned she has been introducing herself as a distributor for It Works Body Wrap to men and women. She would plan a party at your home, then will steal your belongings.
My goal is to receive as much signatures needed to have this criminal off the streets victimizing innocent hard working people.
Georgia and New York residents be aware! Take caution!
Please BoyCott, and stop this crook from stealing anymore!
Fierce718 on Instagram!