Hannah Baiyor 0

Bouldering Cave for Northwestern University

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To: Northwestern University Athletics

We believe that the addition of a bouldering cave to Northwestern University’s recreational facilities would be beneficial to the Northwestern student body. At this time, we believe that one of the racquetball courts in the Henry Crown Sports Pavilion should be converted into a bouldering cave. We support this cause for the following reasons:

1) The nearest rock climbing wall is currently located at Evanston Athletic Club, which is not accessible to all Northwestern University students. Due to the cost of climbing at the Evanston Athletic Club, many students are restricted financially from enjoying the benefits of climbing.

2) A bouldering cave will help to address the demand by the student population for an accessible climbing space at Northwestern University.

3) While Northwestern University boasts Indoor Climbing as a club sport, the University does not offer any appropriate practice space for the team. As there is no racquetball team at Northwestern University to necessitate the use of four racquetball courts, the conversion of one court to a bouldering cave would bolster use of the room significantly and allow the Climbing Team to continue as a campus sport.


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