Boston,MA wants Erik-Michael at a Con!
O-Town's member Erik-Michael Estrada has acted in a few movies, his latest is Nick Carter's film Dead 7!
If you are new to Nick Carter's movie Dead 7, it was a zombie filled Western movie that featured the boy bands of the 90s (ex: O-Town, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, No Authority, 98Degrees).
To promote this feature film, Bloody Bombshell (@bloodybent) now handles Erik-Michael's place at conventions in the US. To bring Erik-Michael to a convention in Boston , it must initially submit existing conventions in the hexagon Bloody Bombshell .
We’ve listed some of the cons, if you know anymore please comment below with the information! Let's bring Erik-Michael to Massachusetts!
Otherwise, you just have to sign this petition and share on Twitter at @bloodybent and @iamerikestrada with #Dead7
Let’s go!
Northeast Comic Con
June 18-19, 2016
Boston Comic Con
August 12-14, 2016