Preserve and protect County funding of the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission
We, the undersigned, urge the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to preserve and protect adequate funding of the Sacramento
Metropolitan Arts Commission in the 2010-11 Fiscal Year to the maximum
extent possible.
For the past 33 years, SMAC, created by City and County ordinances, has
been the principal source of comprehensive support of the arts in
Sacramento and a major force in ensuring the growth and maturation of
the arts as a community anchor in Sacramento.
SMAC's expertise and
dollars heavily leverage other public and private dollars to create
jobs and provide services to schools, libraries, parks, youth programs,
the disadvantaged, and seniors.
SMAC's partnerships with community
organizations such as the Sacramento Visitors and Convention Bureau,
Sacramento Emergency Housing, WIND, Eskaton, and the Sacramento
Regional Community Foundation leverage resources and yield multiple
benefits to many segments of the Sacramento community.
SMAC support of
arts organizations stimulates commerce, generates jobs and attracts new
businesses to open here. There are 1,515 arts businesses and 7,061 arts
jobs in Sacramento. The total economic impact of the arts on the region
is estimated at $350 million dollars a year.
With SMAC's continued support and arts marketing initiatives such as
our online event calendar, the increased quality of arts offering in
Sacramento encourages residents, businesses and visitors to see our
City as an exciting and rich destination.
This web page lists all of the Sacramento City and County elected official's contact information.