Save the Boscarn's 2am license
Apparently there is currently a petition by some woman relatively new to the area, trying to get the Boscarns 2am license revoked, back to 12 o clock. What purpose would this serve, except to encourage all the other pubs to apply for late licences and stay open and spread people out all over town thus creating a siituation where everyone is spread out unpoliced (unlike the Boscarn where door staff control the clientelle under cctv surveillance) It would also encourage the die hards to stay out in the street with take outs from the pubs, have parties in their houses etc all causing more problems than are already existent, Landlords would have more problem clearing out at drinking up time as people are now so used to leaving the pub at midnight and going onto the Boscarn they wont want to leave and just go home at 12 o clock, this is 2009 for Gods sake, I remember when the Boscarn DID close at 12 o clock, kicked out by 12:30 there were people in the street WAY after that because they just didnt feel like going home afterwards, in fact I have been drinking in Looe for 20 years or so and there was more rowdiness and trouble before the late closing than there ever is now as people have had enough by 2am, at 12 they are just getting into the swing of things and want to carry on the party. I speak for a vast amount of people when I say that as I have spoken with many people about it today, and they are all as shocked as me that some nobody with no connection to Looe can come down and try throwing her weight about concerning a bar that has been there for so long, and without any major incidents or bother to speak of, sure there is some trouble sometimes but that goes for any other establishment that serves alcohol to people. its a fact of life that when a large group of people consume alcohol there will invariably be trouble but this is not the issue, the issue is apparently one of noise. Now Im not sure where this person lives maybe its next to the place but I dont imagine so, I imagine its someone who likes to cause bother because there is so little else in their life they have to make other peoples a misery, I mean how about petitioning to the Looe town council to have all the seagulls on a curfew in the morning till at least 9am, or stop the trawlers going out before getting up time as they can be quite noisy, or maybe stop the 6:30 auction on the fishmarket because of people shouting and dropping boxes of fish etc. Possibly go and turn the fog horn off as it may wake people up instead of saving lives. Look out November the 5th and new years eve, and lets stop the carnival while were at it, make sure the police ambulance and fire services dont use sirens unless its on a main road well out of town, and so on and so forth. As you can see it can get as petty as we like, but its a fact that the boscarn has been well established there for many many years and has had a 2am license for 5 years. so why now what possible reason does anyone have for causing this problem now, I question their motives, what makes someone want to close a place that has virtually no complaints from anyone, even the police agree. The Boscarn brings a lot of trade into the town and lots of local businesses benefit, people come from surrounding areas just to go there and have a eal and a few drinks before they finish up there, sunday tourists come to Looe just to drink in the beer garden, plenty of people love the place a few dont but still seem to end up there every week anyway. Lots of local businesses benefit from The Admiral Boscarn myself included so this is why I am making this group and taking a stand against some petty individual with nothing better to do than cause probvlems in a small town. Why not put the time to better use like trying to cure Looe of its huge drug problem, or possibly start a neigbourhood watch seeing as there have been 200+ hburglaries published in the paper this week for Looe and surrounding area, why not catch some benefit thieves, or people letting their dogs shit all over our lovely town, why try and stop a whole load of people doing something they enjoy every week and also to try and affect peoples livelihoods, rather than petition against the Boscarn (who have no control over the customers when they leave) as this is the problem NOT the noise from the actual club. Rather than that why not ask for a bigger police presence in the town at 2am, THAT is what you pay your council tax for not to have them sat on the dual carriageway pointing cameras at you doing 72mph, or pulling you over for a cracked tail light etc. Lobby the police to move everyone on, the door staff do an excellent job of clearing the place at 2am, beyond the doors its nobodys problem but the police, THEY should be controlling what happens when people have left its as simple as that. I felt compelled to start this group as I myself have benefitted from the work the place has given me and I also like to drink there after midnight every so often, so if you are like me and like to stay out after midnight now we are adults (well kind of) join the group and show everyone that you care about what happens in this town, because if this is allowed to happen whats next