Stop selling un-desexed puppies/kittens in pet shops in South Australia
Jackie Arnold 0

Stop selling un-desexed puppies/kittens in pet shops in South Australia

38 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jackie Arnold 0 Comments
38 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

I think it is time we made a stand for all the kittens/puppies that are BORN TO BE KILLED. Do you know that a female cat that has a litter, if none are desexed, over a peiod of 6 years can produce up to 400,000 off spring. We need to make the pet shops do the right thing, like the RSPCA and AWL, they should only sell the animals de-sexed. This will help with the unwanted animals being dumped, drowned, shot, put to sleep- when not cute anymore etc etc. What gives us the humans the right, to make animals suffer so. Please sign the petition and send it on to others.

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