Regarding Fayette County Budget Cuts
The parents/guardians of students participating in the Starr's Mill High School band program and its feeder schools, as well as adults who have had a past relationship with the program ask the Fayette County Board of Education and the Starr's Mill High School administration to refrain from eliminating the position of Assistant Band Director and/or placing Dr. Andrew Poor in a band program other than Starr's Mill. We feel that the loss of the Assistant Director position and Dr. Poor in particular, would have an immediate, negative and far-reaching impact on our band program. The band program has developed into a successful and award-winning program that has brought national recognition to Fayette County and Starr's Mill High School. Dr. Poor’s years of experience in music education and personal accomplishments in the music field have been an invaluable addition to our program. The loss of the Assistant Band Director position would impact the continued success of the program tremendously. The resulting increased workload on the remaining director would cause cuts in rehearsals, travel and negatively affect the students’ overall band experience. Although the band program is not considered a core area of instruction, numerous studies have shown the benefits of participation in the fine arts for students. Those participating in fine arts programs such as band, are shown to succeed in other academic areas at a higher percentage than students not enrolled in a fine arts program. Participating in a successful band program such as the one at Starr's Mill prepares our children for a successful future. The program cuts being considered would greatly reduce the success of that program and negatively affect the education of our children. We strongly urge the Fayette County Board of Education and the administration of Starr's Mill High School to reconsider any possible loss of teaching positions in the Starr's Mill Band program. We, as parents, are extremely proud of the tremendous accomplishments of our children under the guidance of their directors, Mr. Scott King and Dr. Andrew Poor.