Tamishia Moats 0

"Ernest Ianace"

112 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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112 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

This petition is against Ernest Ianace and his reckless driving behavior. Ernest Ianace was involved in crashing into five parked cars in Frisco,Texas on New Years Morning. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but he admitted to being at fault upon exiting the car to 12 people who witnessed the accident.  As of now, he has not taken any responsibility for his actions.  Frisco Police Department only charged Mr. Ianace with Public Intoxication.  Mr. Ianace seemingly knew the loopholes in the system because he left the scene of the accident only leaving his license behind. He will remain on the roads and will not have to seek help. The neighbors whose lives he disrupted will not stand for it and are asking everyone to sign this petition to bring awareness to dangerous drivers in Frisco, Texas.  It's important for Mr. Ianace to accept responsibility and seek help before it's too late. The next time someone could get seriously injured or even worse, killed!!! Remember your loved ones maybe sharing the highway with this negligent individual.


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