Ask Obama about the One in 50,000 Citizens Question!
We need to make President Obama and Governor Romney aware of the one in 50000 issue with the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. What are they going to do about it? People should sign this so that they can retrieve rights that were taken from them withouta Supreme Court ruling that a Bill of Rights Amendment was or was not ratified. It is common belief that Amendment One or Article One of the Bill of Rights was never ratified by 75% of the original 13 states. In fact, it was ratified and needs to be respected by the government so that we can have the proper amount of Representatives as required by this amendment. We're looking for the Federal Government to admit that Amendment One of the Bill of Rights was ratified as per NJ Attorney Eugene LaVergnes Federal Law Suit. Attorney LaVergne has certified state papers from both Kentucky and Connecticut that they in fact did ratify Article One. It was believed till recently that both states never ratifed the amendment. Amendment One of the Bill of Rights stating that we should have one Representative for every 50000 citizens but that the amendment has been completely ignored for 200 years voiding our right to Representation.
Links with full court papers and examples showing that 1. Article 1 was ratified and 2. that we were always supposed to have One Representative for every 50,000 Citizens, not One Representative for every 800,000 Citizens (completely against the Bill of Rights and our Constitution.)