Save Bodycombat at Holmes Place Seepark!
Thomas Schaer 0

Save Bodycombat at Holmes Place Seepark!

Thomas Schaer 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Fellow fighters, friends and members of Holmes Place Seepark!

You might have heard about the rumours that the management of Holmes Place Seepark intends to cancel and remove Bodycombat from their class offering in September. While our respected (and by the way equally affected) instructors are not allowed to communicate anything, we have unofficial confirmation that this is about to happen at the beginning of September. Management has not answered inquiries sent by email yet.

In any case, we should assume the worst. Let’s fight to keep Bodycombat alive and petition immediately to convince the management to keep our favorite classes in HPO’s class offering.

Please attend Tuesday and Sunday classes as much as you can and make sure you sign the petition (either online or on paper, multiple forms are circulating since Tuesday, August 16).

Please share it among fellow fighters and HPO members on Facebook and by email and attend the classes as much as you can. We need to show that we care about Bodycombat or it'll be gone.

Fight on!

PS: Please provide your full name when you sign.

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