Board of Sign Language Interpreters

We ask for your support and signature for HF 2634 and SF 2702:
Board of Sign Language Interpreters and Transliterators created, licensure required, rulemaking authorized, and penalties provided.
The intent of the bill is to protect consumers from unqualified and/or unethical individuals from interpreting or transliterating. It also gives consumers a way to file grievances with the Board for them to determine an appropriate course of action from suspending, imposing supervisory or probationary conditions upon, reinstating, and revovking a license.
The licensure requirement goes in effect, July 1st, 2022. This gives the governor-appointed Board adequate time to determine processes of applying for, granting licenses by an open rulemaking process.
The seven governor-appointed board members will be composed of:
- two interpreters, one of whom is hearing and one of whom is deaf, and both of whom are recommended by a professional association of interpreters;
- one postsecondary instructor of an interpreting training program in the state;
- one consumer in the state with a high volume of interpreting requests; and
- three consumers in the state, two of whom are deaf consumers and one of whom is a deafblind consumer.
Please contact your local legislators of your support for HF 2634 and SF 2702.
Current language:
New proposed language:
HF 2634: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=House&f=HF2634&ssn=0&y=2019
Video in ASL links:
Support HF2634 and SF2702: Licensure Board Part I https://youtu.be/_yT29IxVixw
Support HF2634 and SF2702: Licensure Board Part II https://youtu.be/aLX5__hNTOE
SF 2702: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=SF2702&y=2019&ssn=0&b=senate
Appreciate your support. Thank you.