Blue Valentine R-Rating Petition

The film "Blue Valentine," directed by Derek Cianfrance, starring Michelle Williams & Ryan Gosling, was recently given an NC-17 rating. In other words: The kiss of death. An NC17 rating means that no one under the age of 17 can view this movie, even with the company of a parent. It is basically what the X-Rating used to be. An NC-17 rating doesn't just mean that kids can't see it, though, it means that many theaters will not even play it because of the nature the NC-17 rating brings, and some DVD stores will even refuse to sell it. It also will have close to zero TV Spots. So, the kiss of death.
The scene speculated to be the cause of this rating is a singular sex scene in the later portion of the movie where apparently "minimal nudity" exists, and just the nature of the scene is very grim and depressing. The movie is about a married couple's slow descent into unhappiness and bitterness. Apparently, Williams' character does not want to have sex with Gosling's, but he insists, almost as a last chance to save their relationship. Thus, the sex scene that follows is allegedly very sad and uncomfortable, but not very much nudity is even present.
And so, the NC-17 rating seems entirely unnecessary. Why do we block out realistic tribulations of marriage from people's viewing, but not heads getting blown off? And as such, it would be very appreciated if you all signed this petition in hopes of possibly persuading the MPAA to lower the rating down to an R, or to at least aid in some small way in the battle. An R rating would mean more theaters playing it, easier DVD availability, and more publicity. This film got rave reviews out of Sundance, and needs to be seen by the general public. So let's try and change this nonsense once and for all!
and PLEASE PASS THIS PETITION ON; we need as many signatures as possible!
Thank you,
Jeremy Fisette
A trailer for the movie can be seen in the LINKS section.
movie website:
movie facebook: