Bring Black Money back to India
ravi shankar 0

Bring Black Money back to India

351 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
ravi shankar 0 Comments
351 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Esteemed Prime Minister,

In light of Black Money stashed in Swiss Banks and other countries (tax havens) and evidence of rampant corruption in many other areas, we urge you to protect national interest by taking the
following measures:

1. Take meaningful steps to bring back black money stashed outside India.
2. Cancel all treaties with countries like Switzerland, which have been tax havens for corrupt people of our Nation.
3. Parliament should enact a law to stop corruption.
4. Government should form a Corruption regulatory authority of India (CRAI)
5. Make the Governance more transparent by giving single-window solutions for all government services.

"In Swiss bank there are crores of rupees and this should be used for development", Baba Ramdev, who was here to head a voters' awareness rally, told reporters. "Rs 73 lakh crores have been stashed in the Swiss bank, which is willing to disclose the information. We should get the money back even if it meant waging a war with Swiss government," he said.

These are words spoken by none other than our well-known yog guru swami Ram Dev Baba. He has been speaking on this issue for so many months now, but neither the PM or Sonia Gandhi released a statement in regards to this nor any efforts being made to bring the black money back to India. Despite countries like Germany offering to help India in an endeavor to bring the money back Indian government is unmoved. Swiss bank has agreed to disclose the names of those people who have secret accounts but nothing is being done by our government. We have to understand here that this money is our money, you, me and every Indian's hard-earned money that we pay through different forms of taxes viz., sales tax, income tax etc. All government department officials, the military, the MPs, the MLA's get their salaries through these taxes only. Being public servants and getting our hard-earned money as salaries they in spite of serving us sincerely are finding means to cheat us and rob our money and deposit them in secret accounts outside India and in turn to avoid tax on their robbed money.

A nation where more than 40 crore live below the poverty line, which means they make less than 60 rs/day. By bringing back the black money back to the country there is so much which can be done for the development of the nation and the people who live below poverty line. India will also be able to clear all theirforeigndebts in 24Hrs. Even if all the taxes are abolished, the government can maintain the country easily for 30 years.

This is high time that we people should wake up from our deep sleep and question the government as to what they are doing to bring that money back to India. We have made an effort to bring this issue to public and request you people to sign this petition to help our cause.

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We are targeting to reach 50,000 signatures before August 15, 2011. Kindly help promote and speed up the process to get some solid results. We strongly desire to get Freedom from corruption - This is the real Freedom.


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