Change of Date for Bishops Prom
Retep Rehtworc 0

Change of Date for Bishops Prom

15 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Retep Rehtworc 0 Comments
15 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are protesting aginst the date for the Bishop Of Herefords Bluecoat School Prom. The Prom has been scheduled a day ahead of the Business Studies Finance Exam Retake. There are 6 people retaking the exam and 1 person taking it for the first time. These people will be severely disadvantaged when taking the exam because they will have been to the prom the night before. We dont believe that it is fair that these people should be forced to choose between the prom and thier exams. This is a double award and the exam counts for a signinfiact part of the grade. In a school where the emphasis is that "every child matters" we dont think that this should be allowed to happen. The Day before is free of any exams and it is not too late to change. Sign our petition to help us to change the date and help the people get the grades that they deserve.

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