give me a second chance :)

Youve always ment the world to me, u did then and u do now. Your the one i always had to turn to, you were my best friend and i wanted to be yours. I know i couldnt take u out all the places u deserve and buy u all the things u deserve, but i swear if i had the money i woulda bought u the world. I always tried to make it clear to u how i felt and that i never stopped caring, i put u before my family, my friends, and myself. The way ive grown up, who ive become, uve been such a big part of it, and everything ive done has been for u. I will not give up. I wish i had sum trick up my sleeve to help make getting u back like in the movies but i dont, i cant overwhelm u with my charm, i cant buy your heart with my huge bankaccount, and i cant make u fall over yourself for me by just walking out of the see in speedos. All i can offer u is my undeniable love and affection,and the promise that i would sooner die than see an ounce of pain on your face. Its obvious that not many people think im,good for u, that u shuld waste your time with me, but i thought we would always prove them wrong, the way we are together seemed bulletproof. Yeah weve both made mistakes, but thats just how a relationship goes, u will hurt the other sumtimes, its just a case of remaining true to your feelings and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. All the time in life people will tell u to give up, tell u things arent real, or arnt worth it. But determination can overcome that, its just a case of listening to your heart and keeping up the fight. What kind of life would we lead if we risked nothing Played it safe, and locked our feelings away whenever we thought we might get hurt. Often the things in life that mean the most to us,and make us the most happy are the ones that require the most work. I wish there was something i could do, something i could say to just change everything but i know there isnt. But a girl like u comes along once in a lifetime, if your lucky, so i cant just let you go, i will fight for you, and i hope showing u what u mean to me will reawaken the feelings u once had. If i have to go round one by one to everyperson in the world and convince them i deserve to be with u i will . Just say the word...