BILL 45, Making Healthier Choices
Electronic Cigarette Act, 2015.
There are a few things on this bill that we need to get ride of or adjust. Local businesses will go out of business and we can't have that!!!
Bill 45 - Section 3
There are certain sections of this bill that we should carefully either re-write or take out with the help of store owners. No matter what, there will be kids and adults still smoking(cigarettes or e-cigarettes). Making a bill is because the higher up people are scared and don't know how to regulate something so they make rules and what they don't care about is the effect it can have on people or peoples oppinion from the start. Especially businesses that try to make a living from supplying and selling e-cigarettes and it's products to the public. I agree with the sale of it to adults and not selling to minors. But trying to say it is harmful is absurd. There are no specific test that claim e-cigarettes harmful. Rumors say e-cigarettes are harmful. So until there is test done maybe we should allow it in public or have sections so that people can smoke e-cigarettes indoors. Banning e-cigarettes indoors is just going make people stick with cigarettes instead of a healthier alternative like e-cigarettes. So let's have a careful look at this bill and make some adjustments to it. Here is the bill. Some sections in section 3 need to be changed.Click the link below.