Bilingualism in Canada
Terry Beaulne 0

Bilingualism in Canada

15 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Terry Beaulne 0 Comments
15 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Yes I do Believe in bilingualism in Canada, I believe that it does enrich our culture and does broaden our horizons blah blah blah...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Seriously folks who are we kidding, bilingualism in Canada is a JOKE, there is no such thing there is only the "cater to me francophone" the little children who do so enjoy their little temper tantrums in Canada, "donne moi, donne moi, pourquoi est-ce-que je doit faire partie d'un Canada bilingue"

Yes I do speak french, I did my schooling in french, and I also lived in the country of quebec, and believe me I couldn't get out fast enough, I remember the day I moved from quebec to Canada, what a beautiful day that was.

I am not creating this petition to go to war with quebec, nor am I doing this to kill the french language, I am doing this because I am tired of good people being treated like second class citizens and not able to get or keep their jobs in the Country they have love and defended their whole lives due to the asinine language laws in this Country, I am tired of catering to the minority of french who actually make this an issue, I am a realist after all and I do know that not all french speaking persons are such unreasonable "insert 4 letter word of choice here".

I am creating this petition because I would Love to have a truly Bilingual Canada, I would love to go to quebec and see Bilingual signs, I would love to walk into a store, restaurant or doctor’s office and have the option to speak the language I am comfortable in, I am doing this because of people like my partner who try to communicate in french whenever they need to but have a hard time, I am doing this for people who have recently been re-assigned for lack of a better word, just because someone complained that the person does not speak french, I am doing this because I Love Canada and right now I don't think we are doing very well as a Country. Finally I am doing this because Canada stands for fairness, equality and human rights, and to be honest it is not fair what has been done in the past just to cater to all the whiney little children who refuse to accept that Canada is Bilingual and not solely french.


Let's make Canada fair for all once again and just stop the BS because when it comes right down to it that is all it is nothing but BS.


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