Want a bike lane on Queens Boulevard
Lizi Rahman 0

Want a bike lane on Queens Boulevard

198 signers. Add your name now!
Lizi Rahman 0 Comments
198 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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My 22 y/o son Asif Rahman\'s life was cut short in it\'s prime while he was riding his bike on Queens Boulevard. Asif was a poet and had many talents, he loved to ride his bike. Whenever I worried for his safety, he assured me that he was safe because there\'re bike lanes on the roads and he always carried a bike route map. When I went to visit the accident spot, I was shocked to see that there is no bike lane on Q.B. If there was one, Asif might still be alive. The Mayor is encouraging people to ride their bikes for congestion and pollution problems. He has laid out a plan to install a 200-mile long bike lane across the city, but it doesn\'t include Queens Blvd. There are bike lanes on some single lane streets but not on Q.B. which has six lanes each way. Now more people are riding bicycles for high gas prices, which is good for health and environment. We have to get a bike lane on Q.B. in honor of Asif and for the safety of his fellow bikers. Often things don\'t get noticed unless there are a number of fatalities. Please act now, sign the petition before you hear of another biker\'s death, it could be your son or brother or friend. This petition will be given to the Mayor of NYC. Tell him, Mr. Mayor, we don\'t want any more biker to die on Queens Boulevard, let Asif be the last biker to sacrifice his life on Queens Boulevard. Thanks for your support. Lizi Rahman lizirahman@hotmail.com PS: Please make sure to type your name, do not use anonymous.


This petition is sponsored by me, Lizi Rahman, Asif\'s mother. For the last 5 months, I have been reaching our elected officials to do something about the bike lane on Queens Boulevard. Finally, Councilman Jim Gennaro (D-Queens) responded to my pleas about getting a bike lane on Queens Boulevard. On July 27, 2008, Councilman Gennaro held a joint press conference with the Transportation Alternatives at the accident site of Asif, where he introduced Asif\'s family. He has written a nice letter to Mayor Bloomberg asking for the Mayor\'s support in getting a bike lane. This letter was co-signed by Council Members Eric Gioia and John Liu. We need all the bikers, family members and friends of bikers to sign this petition and write to their elected officials, Councilmembers and Congressmen and Congresswomen. Please Don\'t hesitate to sign the petition, it\'s easy, simple and effective. Act quickly before another biker dies on this dangerous road.


Please go to the ghost bike site to learn more about Asif and read the letter to the Mayor: http://www.ghostbikes.org/new-york-city/asif-rahman To watch Asif\'s various performances, a documentary on him and read the newspaper & media coverages go to the myspace tribute page for Asif: http://www.myspace.com/asifrahman
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