Claire Speller 0

Bike hangar on Tower Bridge Road SE1

33 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Claire Speller 0 Comments
33 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Firefish are looking to add a Bike Hangar on Tower Bridge Road for commuters and residents in the local area for securing their bikes away from the road and out of the British weather. As much as the secure bars on the road side are an option, they are invariably full or lacking as a proper secure, weatherproof option for those leaving their bikes there for the entire day. Bike theft is on the rise and having a safe and secure place to keep your valuable asset that helps reduce pollution and increases your fitness is important. Please support our cause by signing the petition below to help present our case to Southwark Council on 7th December.

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