Marisol Boatwright 0

Big Point Stop the Unfair Play in US1 Server of Pirate Storm

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Marisol Boatwright 0 Comments
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Pirate Storm is an interactive game designed by Big Point that allows players to play the role of a pirate and kill monsters, ships, and guild islands. However, there have been problems with those who want to use bots and block arenas or battlefields which hinders others who want to play fair and grow. Most players pay a service monthly, every six months or yearly. Also, players pay for other things in the game out of their own money. Despite numerous attempts to reach out to the support from Big Point these problems continue and is why the players have resorted to a petition to show the importance to Big Point to deal with the issues.

The following are our suggestions for fixing these issues:

If you click the ReadyUp tab for arena, you automatically get put into the arena. If you unclick the Ready Up buttonbeforethe 30 second timer or log out from the game there is no penalty and next match cont. However, if you unclick theReady Up buttonafter the 30 second time or log out you will loose the maximum amount of points to the team you were to fight.

These are the actual electronic signatures of all who have signed and play the game.

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