BHS Class size
The Parents’ children in grades KG2, KG3 Grade 1 and Grade 2 at Brummana High School request the immediate reconsideration of BHS’s policy to increase the number of students in class as this is unlike the Quaker education system that strives to promote differentiated learning and calls for high academic standards and openness to new ways of learning. A child centered education system can only be applied by shifting the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student it also aims to develop learner autonomy and independence by putting responsibility for the learning path in the hands of students. Student-centered learning puts students' interests first, acknowledging student voice as central to the learning experience. In a student-centered learning space, students choose what they will learn, how they will learn, and how they will assess their own learning. This can be done only when you have the appropriate class sizes and we are very proud that BHS strives to follow this system. A Quaker education means helping each child to realize his or her full potential. Each student is unique, with varying abilities and special gifts, not only in the classroom, but also in sports, the arts, leadership and community affairs. We understand that the school strives to offer a comprehensive preparation for the adult world. Besides imparting information and knowledge, the school tries to develop the student's intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. It encourages the students to achieve the cultural, physical, and artistic fulfilment of which they are capable. While we appreciate all these ideas and encourage the school to adopt and adapt them daily, we have to realize that these can only be done in a classroom size of maximum 22 students vs. the current large classrooms of 30. It is unlike the school policy to encourage a large number of students, as we have seen in previous years where the number of students never went above 25.
This Petition is to inspire and request the reconsideration of the classroom size across the infant and elementary classes which are the foundation years where kids need the most attention to grow and adopt the right attitude, perspective on learning and build their whole, to shape their future. We request the immediate implementation for the below changes as a start to ensure our school holds true to its values:
- Limiting class sizes to 22 children
- Opening a forth section to accommodate the additional number of children
- Where opening an additional section is not possible, look at alternatives to ensure class size is reduced and limited to 22.