Lindsey Leong 0

Beyond The Model Minority: Support AB 1737

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Given the diversity of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities, it is critical that data is collected for separate ethnic groups. AB 1737 would ensure that state-collected health, social services, labor, and civil rights data is disaggregated into additional AANHPI ethnic groups, as currently reported by the U.S. Census. AANHPI are not a homogenous group, but instead encompass a great variety of social and economic conditions. In order to identify the unique needs of this diverse community, it is essential to disaggregate data for AANHPI ethnic groups. While overall data may show that AANHPI are doing better than average on certain social indicators, data that is separated out by ethnic group clearly shows that certain communities, especially among Pacific Islander and Southeast Asian ethnic groups, have some of the greatest needs, including some of the highest poverty rates and lowest educational attainment rates in California. Laotians, Cambodians, and Hmong, for example, have some of the highest poverty rates of all ethnic groups. Current Law California law requires the state collection of disaggregated data for the following AANHPI ethnic groups: Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, Laotian, and Cambodian. However, this list does not include many other AANHPI ethnic groups. The federal U.S. Census provides data for a more comprehensive list of AANHPI ethnic groups. By supporting AB 1737 you are supporting a bill that will offer more understanding and support to underrepresented groups in the AANHPI community.


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