Better help at BHS

Many students at BHS suffer from mental health problems spanning from depression and anxiety, to bipolar disorder and eating disorders. BHS likes to pride themselves on how well they help students here, but the reality is, many don’t feel like they can be fully honest with their guidance counselors. Others don’t feel confident that if they do talk to their counselors about things, their problems will either be ignored entirely or brushed off. This results in the students seeking outside help, which often doesn’t work as much therapy is structured for adults and teens are different developmentally, physiologically, and psychologically, making the help they seek, ineffective. This petition is for the betterment of the BHS guidance department and asks a few things of them: if they claim something is anonymous keep it that way, take action when asked and not before as some students don’t want anything to happen before they are ready, and keep things private if asked unless it dangers someone. Please help better the school mental help system and make the students feel safer sharing their problems.