Better Foods for Better Students

Hi everyone! My friends and I are very healthy eaters and given we're restricted to food on campus because we're Freshmen, we want to see more options available for us and everyone else as well. This would include seeing more of a variety of fruits instead of just cantaloupe and honeydew, apples, oranges, and bananas, different types of meat e.g. more fish options, more gluten/dairy-free choices, a bigger selection of pasta noodles, and foods that aren't so high in salt or sugar!! We also want to change the meal exchanges at some restaurants since you don't get much food and nobody likes to go hungry! On top of all this, the caf should list what foods they are serving and make more aware the nutritional content of all since it's everybody's right to know what they are eating. Signing this petition means YOU WANT CHANGE AND IT WILL HAPPEN. UT needs to offer more of a variety of foods for their wide variety of diets that they serve on a daily basis and it's our right to have a say in this and not settle for less!!
Thank you so much and we'll keep everyone in tune with what is happening.