Hwy 278 W Intersection at Bethel
Brandie Overton 0

Hwy 278 W Intersection at Bethel

31 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Brandie Overton 0 Comments
31 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As many of you know we are trying to get something done at the intersection of U.S. HWY 278 W and County Roads 831 and 1117, here in Cullman County. We are faced everyday with the possibility of pulling out in front of someone. There isn't decent sight distance if you are in a smaller vehicle. We have sent petitions and many of you may have signed them once before I am asking you sign again. We are in desperate need of action being taken. We have lost too many lives to this intersection, not to mention the countless number of injuries as well as loss of personal property. This is an election year and I encourage each and every one of you to contact the ones running for office, Senator's, the Representative's and the Commissioner's. Anyone who has ever had to drive through this intersection knows you can look all day long and still pull out in front of someone. People don't slow down on HWY 278; there are trailer plants and 18-wheelers that use 278 as their main thorough fare. We know they cannot stop on a dime for us 4 wheelers and we respect that. We understand the dangers that we face and we know we have to be cautious. It still does not change the fact that we are and we still barely make it some days. So I am asking even if you do not live in the community, but drive any of these 3 roads please sign this petition. We want to be heard and we want solutions to this problem, before we lose any more lives to this intersection. For more information you can contact me at kairo319@yahoo.com Thank You.


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