Beth Ahm Israel - SAVE OUR SYNAGOGUE - Special Meeting Request
Samara Abrams 0

Beth Ahm Israel - SAVE OUR SYNAGOGUE - Special Meeting Request

83 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Samara Abrams 0 Comments
83 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now


The Mission Statement of Beth Ahm Israel is “a conservative congregation dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and social needs of its members. It is a special place where individuals of all ages and interests can join with the community in programs designed to promote Jewish traditions and continuity.”

The purpose of moving to the JCC was “to give us the opportunity to consider our next steps very carefully while continuing the work of strengthening our Conservative Jewish presence in the Southwest Broward community”. (March 19, 2012 Letter to Congregation, President Mark Weber). In addition, that letter stated: “Beth Ahm Israel is not about the walls, it is all about the people; our People. How can we continue to teach the next generation? How can we demonstrate that our commitment to the future runs as deeply in us as it did to generations past?” Based on the current proceedings, there will be an unaffiliated hole left in South Broward. Where will you go?! Based on conversations among many of us, most do not desire to join congregations to the east (Sinai) or west (B’nai Aviv) as they are NOT their “community”, OUR PEOPLE. We are a synagogue of 215 families – we should be able to make this work on our own!

Over the past two years the present leadership of the synagogue has created committees to determine how the community will “live-on” post the sale of the initial building. The Strategic Planning Committee did work hard to find a location suitable for the congregation. They were unable to do so, so they decided that the only viable option would be a merger with another Conservative synagogue. A viable option HAS become available, and this petition is to request Steve Kass, President of Beth Ahm Israel, to call a Special Meeting of the congregation in order for the findings to be presented and discussed.

As per the bylaws of Beth Ahm Israel, at least 20% of the HOUSEHOLDS will need to sign the petition in order to obtain the requested meeting. We must have at least 50 member-families sign – it will take a couple minutes to sign – but it’s worth it! Please forward along to anyone you are aware of that is a member in good standing and would also like to sign. In addition, PLEASE make it a priority to attend the 1/28/2015 Board Meeting (open to all members in good standing) at 7:30pm to show the Board that we stand in this together and are willing, together, to make it work!

A group of people have found a perfect location, prepared a sound financial budget, and would like the congregation to see, hear and evaluate this. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

This petition is being brought forth by the Abrams (Jeff, Samara, Owen, Brady & Marley) and Bratter (Jonathan, Rebecca, Logan & Max) families. We are long term Beth Ahm Israel members of over 30 years each - Samara and Rebecca were raised here, and want this to be the place that we continue to raise our children! We are whole-heartedly being supported in this endeavor by Byrna & Larry Klur, Diane & Robert Salamon, Rich & Didi Browdy, Marty & Terry Berger and many, many others!


To Steve Kass, President of Beth Ahm Israel:

You are hereby directed to call a Special Meeting of the Beth Ahm Israel congregation to be held at the JCC, 5850 South Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328 within the next 10 (ten) days for the following purposes:

FIRST: To present viable location option and budget plan

SECOND: To direct the board to temporarily halt current merger discussions

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