I Anthony Arnold II ask you to swear and to tell the full truth and nothing but the truth that you swear to God upon the holy bible that by you applying your signature that this is a bond statement and it is all true from your heart and best interest of said children above in title.
This is to prove that the best interest in Annya Arnold 6/12/01, Alaya Arnold 7/18/03 and Alyssa Arnold 8/10/07 that the father Anthony Arnold II -vs- mother Frances Marks
Anthony Arnold II is best for love and affection, food, housing, guidance, and other needs. I would suggest that when we talk about the “best interests” of children, we should be primarily concerned with their essential needs, helping children grow and develop, and achieve their capabilities to the maximum extent possible. Needs are the nutriments or conditions essential to a child’s growth and integrity, and for every need there is a corresponding responsibility.
Anthony decisions are made with the ultimate goal of fostering and encouraging the child's happiness, security, mental health, and emotional development into young adulthood.
Court to determine which parent is suitable for ensuring the health and happiness of children during custody is Anthony Arnold II
This form is from mitral friends ,family or people that witnessed who is more active in major roles of the children.