Support Making Bennett Ave a Safer and More Pleasant Street

Would you like Bennett Avenue to be safer and more pleasant for all street users: drivers, pedestrians and cyclists Concerned about speeding and aggressive drivers on what should be a quiet residential street Worried by drivers, cyclists and skateboarders who fail to yield to pedestrians, endangering everyone from children to the elderly Then sign the petition and support making Bennett Avenue a more livable street! Specific concerns: 1) EXCESSIVE TRAFFIC SPEEDS -- Many drivers speed, using Bennett to bypass traffic signals on Broadway, particularly from the start of Bennett to 187th St. 2) POOR VISIBILITY AT INTERSECTIONS -- Visibility is particularly poor at intersections from 192nd to 189th Streets, where drivers turning onto Bennett have difficulty seeing oncoming traffic, leading to many near-misses. 3) FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS -- Aggressive drivers, cyclists and skateboarders often fail to exercise due care to look for, and yield to, pedestrians at intersections. 4) TWO-WAY CYCLING -- Bennett Ave is used by cyclists riding against traffic as an alternative to traveling uptown on traffic-heavy Broadway, leading to dangerous interactions with other road users not expecting two-way traffic. 5) RECKLESS RIDERS -- Reckless cyclists and skateboarders speed downhill on Bennett and Overlook Terrace with complete disregard for traffic laws. 6) NO CROSSWALKS AT SUBWAYS -- Subway entrances to the 184th St A and 190th St A Stations result in heavy pedestrian traffic near corners with poor visibility for drivers; drivers are not alerted to expect or yield to pedestrians. 7) SLIPPERY SUBWAY TUNNELS -- On wet or humid days ramps in the entrance tunnels to the 184th St A and 190th St A Stations can become extremely slick, leading to falls and injuries. Be sure to include your particular concerns as comments! We, the undersigned, call upon Community Board 12 and the NYC Department of Transportation to do the following: A) Develop a comprehensive plan to calm traffic along Bennett Avenue, deterring aggressive and reckless behavior by drivers, cyclists and skateboards, and improving safety for all street users; B) Provide a safe route for cyclists to travel uptown from 181st St to Inwood along either Broadway or Bennett Ave; C) Install crosswalks at subway entrances for 184th A Station (on Overlook Terrace) and 190th A Station (on Bennett), and require drivers to yield to pedestrians at these locations; D) Work with the MTA to make subway entrance tunnels less slippery at the 184th St A and 190th St A Stations.