Financial Benefits for Cancer Sufferers

If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer, probably the last thing on your mind is the state of your finances. But having cancer can be expensive in ways you probably had not imagined. As your treatment begins, you may find you have to give up work. Your partner or a relative or friend may also have to reduce their working hours in order to care for you. You could well face extra expense to pay for transport to and from hospital. In addition, many hospitals levy parking charges for patients and visitors. While at home, you may well have to meet increased heating bills and new clothes to cope with weight loss or gain. Help is available after six months - this is not help enough if you are a single parent, have a mortgage etc etc. There should be benefits in place to help people with cancer and for those going through treatment for cancer as this is an extremely hard time for those envolved. 1 in 17 people with cancer loose their homes because they cant keep up with their mortgage payments - this cannot continue to happen. Please sign this petition to try and help those who through no fault of their own are extremely ill at the moment.