Reinstatement of the Bee Keeping merit badge in Boy Scouts of America
christopher stowell 0

Reinstatement of the Bee Keeping merit badge in Boy Scouts of America

150 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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150 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear Bee Keepers, Gardeners, and friends of the Honey Bee,

My name is Christopher Stowell. I am 13 years old. I am a boy scout in Troop 250. I am also a Beekeeper in Skiatook, OK. I am a member of both the North East Oklahoma Bee keepers Association (NEOBA) located in Tulsa, OK., and The Oklahoma State Bee keepers Association.

I have recently learned that the Boy Scouts of America discontinued the Bee Keeping merit badge in 1995. I have contacted the National council and ask why. They have informed me that there was not enough bee keepers in America. They also informed me that the reinstatement of the merit badge had been brought up several times sense to no avail. It seems to me that it would only make sense to encourage bee keeping if there are not enough bee keepers in our country.

I believe that now more than ever before the survival of the honey bee is important to all. If other boys are not encouraged to learn how to become bee keepers the honey bee will surly die out. Not only I feel this way but I believe that bee keepers all across America believe in the importance of teaching the younger generations the importance of the honey bee. The reinstatement of the merit badge will lend validity to the art of bee keeping.

I am contacting you to ask for your support in getting the Boy Scout Bee keeping merit badge reinstated.

I am working on a proposal to the National Boy scout Council,as well as working on getting a petition signed by as many people as possible that would like to see the merit badge reinstated. I have a goal set to send in my proposal to the council by July 15, 2010. I would like your endorsement of my proposal. I would also like your help in getting as many people as possible involved in this effort by signing this petition. Please sign this petition and pass it on to others.


Christopher Stowell

17596 N. Peoria Ave.

Skiatook, OK. 74070 BSA Troop 250 Skiatook, OK.

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