Crosswalk (and Signage) at Beechwood Drive and Westham Parkway
shannon reppard 0

Crosswalk (and Signage) at Beechwood Drive and Westham Parkway

103 signers. Add your name now!
shannon reppard 0 Comments
103 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Beechwood Drive is one of the only streets that directly crosses Westham Parkway, which has a speed limit of 30MPH. Because of this and the proximity to UR, Tuckahoe Shopping Center, and Tuckahoe Elementary School, we see much foot and bike traffic from neighborhood children as well as adults who walk and run in our area. We propose a crosswalk with corresponding signage to help promote the safety of our children and community and provide a visual cue to those driving through our neighborhood that children and pedestrians frequent this area. In light of the speeding in our neighborhood, we feel this is especially important to help provide a safe route to school for our children who walk and for those who ride the bus and still must cross Westham Parkway to reach their bus stop.

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who, for the safety of our neighborhood children and our community, are in favor of Henrico County painting a crosswalk and installing crosswalk signs at the intersection of Beechwood Drive and Westham Parkway.

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