Beautify our circle!
The circle at Fairfax, Canterbury, and Windsor is currently being used as a collection point for the city's equipment while extensive street work is being done in our area.
We want the city to know how important this circle is to our neighborhood. We often use it as a gathering point for holiday parades, pot lucks, etc. As this important street work continues, let's make sure that Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful and the WS Street Division/ Urban Foresty are planning a full beautification of our dear circle.
We suggest the following:
1. Existing tree is old and gnarly with beetle holes and dead branches-- needs replacing.
2. A metal circular bench around the new tree
3. A new fence, perhaps chain link partitions (Ex. Traffic circle on Club Park Rd.)
4. Completely removing old plantings, reseeding and replanting around the edge of circle
5. A water source
6. A follow up schedule to ensure landscaping survives