Beauchamp Mill residents vs Trinity Estates
Several residents have been in dispute with Trinity Estates over their responsibilities on Beauchamp Mill. Trinity Estates have repeatedly ignored communications from residents and this has left some residents feeling they have no choice other than withholding monies from Trinity in an attempt to get their attention.
We are petitioning for signatures that we can then forward on to the CEO of Trinity Estates to show that residents are unhappy with the cost of the little services that are supplied by Trinity. This should allow a line of communications that will ultimately end with the resolution of issues.
Our concerns are:
- Not all of the grass verges and communal areas are being cut/maintained by Trinity, namely Juniper Mead, Alder Green and the alley that links Alder Green to Aspen Gardens. Weeding and cutting hedges of the communal areas in Hawthorn Croft cul-de-sac has been neglected.
- The children's' play area is not suitable for use, namely the large amount of rocks embedded in the surface around play equipment, with the potential for causing injury.
- Roads and pathways are not being maintained/cleaned, namely dog fouling, mud, and broken curbs/block paving.
- Foliage that should be maintained by Trinity has been neglected, namely the two dead trees along Alder Green, and presence of weeds in the grass and borders surrounding the estate.
Our goals are:
Trinity to explain the £12000 odd management fee.
Trinity to evidence their costs.
Trinity to uphold their responsibilities.
Please sign this petition to indicate to Trinity that we, the residents of Beauchamp Mill, are collectively unhappy with the service being received, seeking to review their management of our estate to gain value for money and a service which is working for us.