We live in a society that is encroaching on our rights as Christians. I was dismissed from my work place for having conversations about God. It was deemed unsuitable for the workplace. It is the company's way of silencing my freedom of speech and my human rights. This matter has now become a legal issue. Please do not be silent on this matter. God needs your voice. God desires to raise an awareness about the educational system so that His will shall be done. The kingdom of darkness is taking grounds and destroying lives. God requires us to go into our communities and occupy. How can we occupy if we allow the enemy to silence us. God was not silent during the time of creation so therefore He expects us to be vocal about the gospel as our existence lies within the truths of the gospel. This petition will be used to strengthen the case against the voice of the kingdom of darkness in our schools. If you have any concerns about your child's school and the influences around, please forward the information to