Study Barnum School\'s Historical Significance

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the City Commission of Birmingham, Mich., direct the city\'s Historic District Study Committee to undertake a study of the Barnum property. Both the Birmingham Planning Board and the city\'s Historic District Commission have urged the City Commission to ask the Study Committee to research and document the history of the Barnum School buildings and site and to make an objective recommendation on the historical value and the suitability for historic designation. The two boards were bolstered by an opinion from Oakland County Principal Planner Bob Donahue, who deems the property worthy of study, and has offered his assistance in research and in working with the city to find an appropriate adaptive reuse strategy. The City Commission has refused, and has voted to move toward demolition of the entire structure, including portions built in 1912 and 1929. We, the undersigned, make no judgment about the historical significance of Barnum. Rather, we demand that the City Commission proceed only with full knowledge of the historical resources there. In view of the long-term nature of both the Barnum project and the consequences of City Commission action, and in view of the current lease agreement with Beaumont Hospital, which eliminates any cost of delay, we believe such a study is necessary and reasonable.