Bark Park Renovation Changes
Nina Wingrove 0

Bark Park Renovation Changes

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Nina Wingrove 0 Comments
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Help make sure our community voice is heard! Please sign this petition to have the Bark Park Committee and Oconee County Parks and Rec hold a community meeting regarding the proposed changes to the Bark Park at Oconee Veterans Park. Here are some of the concerns voiced for the planned changes:

  • There is no lighting included in the new plans. We understand that there is not electricity run to the back part of the park. The power stops just before the dog park and resumes just after the dog park. This may be costly to have the power lines connected so that there is power at the dog park. Why not consider some solar flood lights if running electricity is not cost effective for the current budget? During the cold months it gets dark by 6pm and many people are not able to bring their dogs much earlier than that due to work schedules. During the summer months the temperatures are so high during the day that the majority of park goers do not bring their dogs until very late in the evening. Some basic lighting would be very useful at the Bark Park.
  • The proposed entry is a long narrow pathway. One of the main concerns people voiced while we were still in the contest was "please make a safer entry way if we win". Most park goers do not understand how the proposed new entry way is a safer entry way. It would be nice if the smaller dog area had its own separate entry way that mimics the current entry way. With the proposed long narrow entry way the concern has been voiced that this will cause more stress to the dogs entering the park due to being in a small confined area with dogs on either side of the fence barking excitedly. There is no escape route once you're in the long entry way. With the proposed 3 areas all trying to use one entry/exit there will be times when dogs will meet in that area and it will be chaos.
  • The third area. Why? It is breaking up our beautiful spacious park into too many unnecessary separate areas. The third area is simply not functional. The purpose of the dog park is to socialize and exercise our dogs. We do not wish to have an area for dogs that do not wish to socialize.
  • Small dog area. In my opinion and based on the many people I have spoken with, the small dog area is a much welcomed addition. The concern is that it is planned inside of the current space. With the land availability outside of the existing dog park, why not build a new separate area for the small dogs outside of the existing space?
  • The planned water station for the "All Dog Area". The dog park land is a slight slope throughout. According to the plans, the proposed water station for the all dogs area will be at the lowest elevation in the dog park. It seems as though this could be located in a different area so that the water station would drain more efficiently.
  • Graveling the parking area. That is a nice idea but based on the current allocated budget the park goers are more concerned with making changes that will benefit our dogs.
  • The public that helped vote everyday for months for the contest would like to be updated on the plans. More communication with park goers would be much appreciated. There are many local business owners, involved citizens and philanthropic dog park patrons. We would like to help make the park even better than it is already if we were included.
  • The park is in desperate need of shade trees and I think ALL of the park goers are probably most excited about getting some shade during the summer! Please physically go to the park in the evening before deciding on the placement of the trees. Trees at the back of the park may be aesthetically pleasing but trees focused in other areas of the park will provide shade in the afternoon & evening when temperatures are hottest.
  • The shade pavilion sounds like a quality structure. The concern is the pavillion is located at the fenced in entry/exit area and not in the actual park area. According to park rules(which are wonderful) people should be inside of the park with their dogs at all times. So, who is going to be standing under the shade pavilion and leave their dog unattended in the park? Ideally the shade would be accessible to the dogs and people alike. There may be some shade from the pavilion that will fall into the play area but this will cause congestion at the entry/exit where the shade is located. The entry into a dog park is already tricky and making the area more appealing to be crowded is, in my opinion, a recipe for disaster.
  • The announced cost of the fencing seems very high for the amount of fence. While we understand the need for new chain link fencing for the smaller dog area, it seems as though a more economical contractor could be found.

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